
Extended interactive training on Visual Communication. Learn how to make visual materials and ads INFLUENCE your target audience and SELL your products!

Why Visual Communication?

The Rise of Visual Content.

Visual content is on the rise. Either you publish a Facebook post or announce your next webinar, every message has to come with a visual material attached to it. Studies have shown that human brain process visuals 60 000 faster than written or spoken content. Having a good copy or well-composed audio is not enough anymore – the eyes of your audience are the key factor that plays the role of catching attention.

The New Competitive Advantage.

I strongly believe that visual thinking and design consciousness is something that can help you and your business to stand ahead of the competition. The ever increasing amount of visual noise around us puts a pressure to invest in higher quality visual materials in order to get properly noticed by your target audience.


Workshop-Visual-CommunicationWhat Should You Expect?

The Workshop content is arranged in 4 separate modules, that cover all essentials of Visual Communication – space, colors, fonts and images. This training is held in an interactive manner using color cards, pictures, whiteboard markers etc. Participants get to experience real life impact of Visual Communication elements.

The Workshop will help you to:

  • understand basic rules of what makes visuals well designed and generally appealing
  • have a clear understanding of how to evaluate of advertisements are designed properly or not
  • see how your brand values can be encoded in your visual content
  • get the knowledge that professional advertising experts exploit in their work
  • see how you can subconsciously influence your target audience and emphasize your message through visuals

The workshop does not teach graphic design software. The length of the Workshop – about 4 hours.


Master the art and science of Visual Communication and ensure the future success of your business!

Book My Workshop.

Private workshops can be organized. Contact me to ask for current availability. If you consider hiring me for your training, please refer to Speaking section for more details and possible training fees.

Upcoming Public Workshops.

Visual Communication MASTERCLASS

My signature masterclass on visual communication on June 13 and 14, 2017 (in Latvian). More information can be found here.